Monday, 17 January 2011

May 1918

Quote from the diary 1st & 2nd April 1918
"Busy fetching in the wounded"

April 1918.

1st 2nd Wednesday

Heavy bombardments.
Busy fetching in wounded.

3rd Friday
The Germans occupied these places a few weeks ago, driven out by our troops.

4th Saturday
C Sect gassed at Gorre, about 70 evacs to C.C.S.

5th Sunday
Heavy artillery duels.

6th Monday
Returned by car to Hesdigneul, passing through Béthune and Fouquières.

7th Tuesday
Day’s rest.

8th Wednesday
24 hours Guard.

9th Thursday
Marched to Béthune at night. Stood to at tobacco factory in readiness for Bosch attack.

10th Friday
Returned to Hesdigneul at day break, slept by day, and repeated the same stand to at Béthune by night.

11th Saturday
Returned by day break, and usual routine.

12th Sunday
Church parade.

13th Monday
24 hours guard.

14th Tuesday
Path making.

15th Wednesday
Went to Beuvry on waggon, shelled heavily, and had to clear out.

16th Thursday
Drawing slag from the heap Bruay.

17th Friday
24 hours guard.

18th Saturday
Guard day.

19th Sunday
Church Parade.
Cricket match and base ball with Americans.

20th Monday
Trench digging.
Draft of 37 men.

21st Tuesday
24 hours guard.
Hostile air raids at night, many machines over. Diment killed by Bosch M.G.B. (Machine Gun Battery)

22nd Wednesday
Diment buried.
Trench digging.

24th Friday
Left Hesdigneul by M. Amb. at 1.30pm, relieved party at A.D.S. Essars on the way passing through Béthune.

25th Saturday
Stretcher bearer and Orderly in Dressing Sta.
Rather quiet day.
Watched fires burning in Béthune after heavy shelling.

27th Monday
Heavy shelling.

30th Thursday
Relieved at midday, and we returned by M. Amb. to Hesdigneul.

31st Friday
German offensive resumed.

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