1st Thursday
Left Cross Street Dug-out for Bienvillers.
2nd Friday
Left Bienvillers with C Sect for Gaudiempre, who relieve 2nd Fld. Amb.
A & C run Hospital and 36 men of B run the line.
4th Sunday
I was sent to 137 Inf Bgde Depot St Amand, as Medical orderly, and billeted in hut’s Aid Post.
5th Monday
I took charge of Sick Parade at 8am, which numbered about 30.
6th Tuesday
Same routine. Bitter frost prevails, ice hanging from exterior of huts.
16th Friday
Still Medical Orderly for 137 Bgde School St Amand. MOs out of New London Division take sick parades.
20th -22nd Tuesday
Sick and temperature of 100.2, but still carrying on.
23rd Friday
I was taken into Gaudiempre Hospital, temp 103.8.
27th Tuesday
Discharged from hospital for Light Duty on Car as Orderly.